Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Google Jamboard - version history now available!

Have you ever created a Jamboard and then forgot to make a ‘new’ version for your next class? Instead of undoing all the changes, now you can do it through version history! To do this in Jamboard:

  1. Go to the three-dot snowman of the Jamboard and select ‘See version history.’ 

  2. In the right-hand panel, choose an earlier version.

  3. Next to the version you want to copy, click on the snowman and select Make a copy.

  4. Enter a name for your copy and choose where to save the file to stay organized.

Additional Tips

  • You can also find who edited the file and the changes they made in the color next to their name.

  • To name a version, double-click on the name and name this version. You can name it as the ‘Original copy’ or change it to the year you used the version

  • To restore to an earlier version, at the top click Restore this version > Restore.

    • How is restoring different from copying? Restoring only keeps one Jamboard in your Google Drive while copying makes a new Jamboard in your Google Drive.

  • To go back to the current version, go to the top left and click the back arrow.

Version history is also available with Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets. 

The directions are slightly different; you have to go top, click File > Version history > See version history.