Monday, September 12, 2022

Method to change the ‘default’ of Google Docs to ‘Anyone with the link’

The default share settings in Google Docs are automatically restricted. The rationale for this restriction is for privacy reasons, especially if Google Drive replaces your hard drive. This can become time consuming when you’re constantly changing every public-facing document for parents, colleagues, or administrators to ‘Anyone with the link’ or to anyone in the network (Parkway Schools).

To alleviate changing public-facing Google Doc every time, consider creating a folder and setting that folder share settings to ‘Anyone with the link.’ Then, any doc you put in that folder automatically has those permissions. For example, you can create a Parent folder with a share setting to ‘Anyone with the link’ to view or a student folder with a share setting to ‘Anyone in Parkway Schools’ to view. Or create a folder within your PLC and share the folder with members in your PLC.