Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Mindfulness Challenge: What I can and cannot control

There are things we can control and there are things we cannot. There are almost no circumstances in which you can’t control your health and fitness. Of course, there will always be something that can potentially get in the way, but you can accept, maneuver, and adapt.

This week, I challenge you to think of a few things you control. Then, think of a few things you can’t control. Share your list with the community or with a friend. Every day this week, remind yourself of those things at least three times.

For example, “I cannot control how busy and chaotic my day gets but I can control if I choose to turn it off at the end of the day and spend quality time with my family and less time zoning out on my phone.” or “I cannot control what people say to me or how they judge me, but I can control how I respond to them and if I choose to engage.”

If we get into the habit of always being aware of what we are and are not in control of, many excuses and obstacles disappear!

The 3 parts of this task are:

  1. List 1-3 things you CAN control today and 1-3 things that are beyond your control.

  2. Share with the community or a friend.

  3. And finally, to really support the internal practice of mindfulness: Repeat to yourself at least 3 times a day what you can control and what you can’t.