Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Online Study Habits

written by Kristen Harms/ posted by Elegan

Take up bedtime studying Rather than catching up Netflix or Tiktok, take time to review your notes.  You will better retain information practiced just before resting.

Break up marathon study sessions

Mental energy needs to be protected.  Spread out your learning to avoid a marathon cram session.

Create a study schedule

Create a study routine and practice discipline in following your schedule.

Connect with other focused students
Sharing a common work ethic with a classmate will help boost both your focus and productivity.

Clear your space

Take the time to remove distractions and other coursework from your study space.  Give yourself the greatest opportunity to focus on your review.

Shut off technology

When you sit down to study, put your phone on silent and set ‘do not disturb’ messages on any online messaging services. This will help keep you from getting sidetracked.

Ask for help

If you’re studying and realize you don’t understand a concept or theory, reach out to your teacher or classmates as soon as possible for clarification.

Take advantage of online resources 

In your Virtual Campus course, you have received many resources and apps to help prepare you for the unit.  Use these resources when reviewing the information.

Stay mentally and physically healthy

As a Virtual Campus student, you are likely to spend more time at your computers than traditional learners, making it imperative to take breaks, go on walks, get the recommended amount of sleep, and eat foods that nourish your body.