Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Fun online interactives - Iceberger and Thisissand.com


Icebergs float because they are less dense than water. But how much of the iceberg floats?

  1. 10% (very little floats)

  2. 50% (about half of it floats)

  3. 90% (most of it floats)

  4. Depends on the size and shape of the iceberg

Have your students predict the answer above and then test their predictions with this Iceberger simulation. Students can share their iceberg creations with others. After sharing, students can find patterns with their creations in order to justify the answer to the question above. This would be a great community-building activity while learning about density (sinking and floating), patterns, shapes, geometry, percentages, and more! So how do you think the iceberg (letter ‘E’) above will float? Test it to find out!


Thisissand is a unique playground for creating and sharing amazing sandscapes on your computer or mobile device. It’s free and easily accessible online, just click ‘Play Now.’ You do not need to create an account or sign in with Google or Clever. This could be a good community-building activity, having students share their creations with others and notice different patterns that can be made with falling sand. Or do it yourself and make it as your new Zoom background. Start pouring away to experience this special sand piling on your screen!